Infrastructure as code & confguration management

Expert IaC and Configuration Management Consulting

Our team of experienced DevOps and platform engineers help you setup cloud automation to help you provision and configure infrastructure resources with ease.

A rocket ship taking off.
Service Overview

How It Works

Many engineering teams struggles with infrastructure provisioning even when they know automation is the solution. The gaps? Expertise and bandwidth. Our team of expert cloud and platform engineers work with your team to set up a robust IaC workflow. Here's how we engage –

1. Discovery Consultation

We'll schedule a consultation call to discuss your current infrastructure setup, current pain points, and desired outcomes. We'll analyse your current infrastructure and determine the best approach to automate it using Infrastructure as Code (IAC).

2. Evaluation & Planning

Based on the information gathered during the consultation call, we'll develop a customised plan that outlines the steps involved in automating your infrastructure. We'll define the required infrastructure resources and configurations in YAML. We'll also define the dependencies between the resources and their attributes to ensure consistency and repeatability.

3. Implementation

We'll work closely with your team to implement the plan and configure your infrastructure using IAC tools like Chef, Puppet, Ansible, or Terraform. We'll use a combination of declarative and imperative code to configure the resources as per the defined plan. We'll also automate the testing and validation of the infrastructure to ensure that it meets the expected state.

4. Testing & deployment

Once the infrastructure is configured, we'll conduct thorough testing to ensure everything is working as expected. We'll test the infrastructure against the defined acceptance criteria and ensure that it's scalable, secure, and reliable. Once we have your approval, we'll deploy the new infrastructure and provide training to your team if needed.

5. Ongoing Support

We'll provide ongoing support to ensure your infrastructure continues to operate efficiently and effectively. We'll monitor your infrastructure using IAC tools and provide proactive recommendations to optimise performance, reduce costs, and improve security. We'll also ensure that your infrastructure remains compliant with industry standards and regulations.

service benefits

Robust IaC strategy & Implementation

Work with our team of highly experienced cloud architects to design and implement a tailor-made IaC strategy for your cloud infrastructure.

People sitting in a meeting room and discussing strategy.

1. Increased Efficiency & Productivity

By automating your infrastructure provisioning and management using IAC, you can reduce the amount of time and effort required to perform manual tasks. This frees up your team to focus on higher-level tasks and strategic initiatives.

2. Improved Consistency & Repeatability

By defining infrastructure configurations as code, you can ensure that all environments are consistent and repeatable. This eliminates configuration drift and reduces the risk of errors or downtime due to misconfigurations.

3. Faster Deployment Times

IAC and Configuration Management tools enable faster and more reliable deployments, allowing you to release updates and new features quickly and with minimal downtime.

4. Optimised Cloud Costs

IAC and Configuration Management can help you optimize your infrastructure costs by automating resource provisioning and enabling more efficient resource utilization.

5. Increased Security & Compliance

IAC and Configuration Management enable you to define and enforce security and compliance policies as code, reducing the risk of security breaches and ensuring compliance with industry regulations and standards.

Our Techbology Partners

Leverage our expertise around the major cloud service providers

Amazon Web Services
Google Cloud Platform
Microsoft Azure
Frequesntly Asked Questions

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Consult with us to get an design and build superior CI,CD and GitOps workflows